
Ethereum : Hi I have two vega 56 that has burnt out and dead, 1 of these I bought 2nd hand on eBay and the other one I bought first hand on ebay

Ethereum update: Hi I have two vega 56 that has burnt out and dead, 1 of these I bought 2nd hand on eBay and the other one I bought first hand on ebay

The 2nd hand vega 56 card however the person gave me a receipt with a link he bought and it had 3 years warranty, but couldn’t find any warranty on 5e first hand card I bought on eBay however it is a business in Europe.. question is can I get the 2nd hand card replaced or fixed? And is there any law in the European Union that I can get the first hand card fixed or replaced or am I buggered with that one, that is under 6 months old until the card went dead… thanks peeeps! (From u.k)

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: caddy123456

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