
Ethereum : I created a really simple PHP page for monitoring remote rigs using Claymore or PhoenixMiner for anyone who might be interested.

Ethereum update: I created a really simple PHP page for monitoring remote rigs using Claymore or PhoenixMiner for anyone who might be interested.

Hey guys,

I just created this super simple PHP script for monitoring remote mining rigs. I just couldn’t find one that worked well enough and was easy enough to scale. Anyhow, for those interested:


Claymore-PhoenixMiner-Web-Stat is a simple PHP web stats page that utilizes the remote monitoring ports (JSON-RPC API) available on Claymore Miner and PhoenixMiner. This page allows you to view the following stats pulled from your miners:

* Global hashrate for all miners
* Miner uptime
* Miner version
* Connected pool and port
* Submitted, stale and invalid shares
* Per GPU hashrates
* Per GPU temperatures (with configurable thresholds)
* Per GPU fan percentages (with configurable thresholds)
* Auto Refreshing (configurable)
* Automatically shows the profitability of each rig using WhatToMine API (Requires you to set power usage, power cost, and pool fee for each rig)


The code can be located here:



If you find this little page useful, please consider buying me a drink, or at least donating a little bit of crypto so I can buy my own drink 🙂

ETH: *0x43883860168A1F3B53920EA5497Be99FEcdFD99E*
ETC: *0x373a58Ac1ebfbB9C2Df26D42014c65A40F9A135B*
DASH: *XsFW3Tqmfu1V74obQXib1efXCa9MR8Cy69*
LTC: *LWQre6uUo9awERFokn2mVLbvto5Lw1SdWp*


EDIT: Added profitability calculation feature.

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: JaymZZZ

Score: 2

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