
Ethereum : I have problems with Simple mining OS

Ethereum update: I have problems with Simple mining OS

I have weeks configuring and checking and I could not find the problem …. but it does not take 5 minutes for this message to come to come out.

[Or this](

[my over clocking I have kept it as stable as possible and low and as I want it happens the same](

![img](s719q3kb3pg11 ” have 4 graphics cards RX570 Radeon 4GB, 1 RX570 ARMOR 4GB, 1 RX570 GIGABYTE 4GB. 1 B250 ASUS EXPERT MINING (they’re not even with bios mod you have their original bios)

please help me with this calvary …. thanks in advance

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Gairo0605

Score: 1

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