
Ethereum : I will trash this rig if it won’t let me mine on 5 gpu’s like it used to. Reward for whoever leads me to a fix.

Ethereum update: I will trash this rig if it won’t let me mine on 5 gpu’s like it used to. Reward for whoever leads me to a fix.

Ok, for the past 6 months, this 5 gpu rig has been running fine. Now, it suddenly refuses to mine when a 5th card is hooked up, but 4 cards or less is no issue.

* Whenever a 5th card was hooked up, the OS would lock up every few seconds then unfreeze.
* In Task Manager, you can see the system process taking up about 20% of my celeron’s cpu.
* When I uninstall the GPU drivers, the above does not occur.
* When I reinstall them, the locking up behavior comes back.
* I’ve tried the blockchain drivers and the latest release drivers. No difference.
* When I start claymore miner, it sits at the Main Pool line for quite some time (5 minutes ish) before the mining actually starts, at which point all but one GPU will initialize properly and start mining. The miner will see one gpu failed and restart the miner over and over again. This works just fine and instantly with 4 cards or less.
* I’ve completely reinstalled windows 10 and all the above behavior still occurs.
* I’ve verified it’s not any single card, PCI riser, PCI port on the board, or power supply.
* The virtual memory setting has already been set to 3000/16000. PhoenixMiner does this for you and that miner acts up just as bad.
* I’ll be trying Ubuntu tonight. Suggesting this is not a solution warranting a reward : (

This screams software/setup issue, but with how well it worked before I don’t know why in the hell it doesn’t work now.


* 1x powercolor 580 8gb
* 4x xfx 580 8gb
* Asus Prime H270-Plus
* Corsair Platinum 1000w PSU
* 4gb ddr4 RAM
* Samsung 960 Pro msata ssd


BIOS: boot type LEGACY (not UEFI) BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedSystem Agent (SA) ConfigurationDMI/OPI Configuration – DMI Max Link Speed – Gen2 BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedSystem Agent (SA) ConfigurationPEG Porn Configuration – PCIEX16_1 Link Speed – Gen2 BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedPCH ConfigurationPCI Express Configuration – PCIe Speed – Gen2 BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedOnboard Device Configuration – HD Audio Configuration – Disabled BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedOnboard Device Configuration – LED Lighting – Disabled BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedOnboard Device Configuration – Charging USB devices in Power State S5 – Disabled BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedOnboard Device ConfigurationSerial Port Configuration – Serial Port 1 – Off BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedSystem Agent (SA) Configuration – Above 4G Decoding – Enable BIOS => Advanced Mode(F7) – AdvancedRPM Configuration – Restore AC Power Loss – Power On

The first person to provide information leading to a solution will get the whopping .04 ETH I have earned running this rig for the person I built it for. Sorry I’m not rich, but it’s all I got. The goal is to have the rig running fine at 5 gpus again. Thank you for your time.

Pic of claymore miner when it errors:


Ok, so far this is the list of things I need to try, and the redditors who suggested them first:

POOP135 – Try virtual memory 32000/32000 or higher

CreepyCoin – only try to run the 4 gpu on stock settings with power – 20. Then install the 5th with bios mod and run it in stock setting with – 20 on power

ChrisCambridge – GPU-Z to check if OpenCL is enabled on all cards (holy cow someone actually read the whole OP and looked at the picture I posted)

SuperKP – too much power draw, test with additional PSUs

EDIT2: None of the above worked. Ubuntu works. Fuck windows.

EDIT3: Why does microsoft suck at software

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Dr_Nic_T61

Score: 24

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