
Ethereum : I’m very excited as tomorrow I’ll be able to buy shares of a piece of an Andy Warhol painting, tokenized on the blockchain thanks to Maecenas. First ever fine-art auction of this kind, the first of a long series I hope. Disrupt all the things

Ethereum update: I’m very excited as tomorrow I’ll be able to buy shares of a piece of an Andy Warhol painting, tokenized on the blockchain thanks to Maecenas. First ever fine-art auction of this kind, the first of a long series I hope. Disrupt all the things

I’m very excited as tomorrow I’ll be able to buy shares of a piece of an Andy Warhol painting, tokenized on the blockchain thanks to Maecenas. First ever fine-art auction of this kind, the first of a long series I hope. Disrupt all the things

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: adv4nced

Score: 47

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