
Ethereum : Is it True? Windows 10 Pro updates – even when auto update is turned off…

Ethereum update: Is it True? Windows 10 Pro updates – even when auto update is turned off…

Every few months, despite the fact that I have windows 10 Pro on my 6×580 rig set to DO NOT update, my mh rate drops from 30 to around 17… replacing the AMD driver (blockchain 17.0.3) and applying its patch did the trick last time. This time… it did not. What is going on here? Does windows update even though its been asked not too? Can I not just leave my rig for a year at a time and expect it to run perfectly? Do I have to start from scratch and re-install windows et al?

What do I try next?

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Garywan001

Score: 1

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