
Ethereum : JXOS – Mining OS for Nvidia and AMD

Ethereum update: JXOS – Mining OS for Nvidia and AMD

I’ve decided to share my mining OS that I’ve build and use for all of my mining rigs since last year.



1. Made using Ubuntu 16
2. It support both AMD cards and Nvidia cards
3. GPU monitoring tools for managing and tuning fan speed, core level, memory level (Nvidia only) and power level (Nvidia only)
4. Supports multiple miner :
1. CCMiner : tested against: lux, x16s, x16r, xmr
2. Claymore : tested against: xmr, eth
3. XMRig: tested against: cpu for itns
4. Ethminer: not tested
5. CPUminer: not tested
6. SGminer: not tested
7. EWBF: not tested
5. Watchdog for rebooting machine
1. when low hashrate detected
2. when no hashrate detected
3. when systemd reported sick gpu
4. when reported gpu is lower than configured gpu
6. Notification to slack
7. GUI dashboard and configuration
8. TUI monitoring for use when connecting via SSH
9. AMD GPU tested against RX580 8GB only, No RXVega supports
10. NVIDIA GPU tested against GTX 1060 3GB, 1070TI and 1070
11. Manage Casing Fan speed and adjust the speed against GPU temperature

Login Details

Username : jxminer

Password : jxminer







This is a open source and free software, please do change the wallet address by configuring the miner after installation as it will by default point the box to mine using the default configured wallet address.

Be careful when tuning GPU core, memory and power, overclocking it too much can break GPU.

This software is still work in progress, use at your own risk!

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: jxxie

Score: 8

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