
Ethereum : Microsoft quietly releases game-changing Ethereum Proof-of-Authority on Azure. “This partnership will compete with blockchains companies such as Vechain, Quorum, Hashgraph and R3 Corda”, says Kartik Mehrotra, Head Of Business Development at IOTW.

Ethereum update: Microsoft quietly releases game-changing Ethereum Proof-of-Authority on Azure. “This partnership will compete with blockchains companies such as Vechain, Quorum, Hashgraph and R3 Corda”, says Kartik Mehrotra, Head Of Business Development at IOTW.

Microsoft quietly releases game-changing Ethereum Proof-of-Authority on Azure. “This partnership will compete with blockchains companies such as Vechain, Quorum, Hashgraph and R3 Corda”, says Kartik Mehrotra, Head Of Business Development at IOTW.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: gwencif

Score: 22

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