
Ethereum : Noob Warning: what part of the code of dApps is built “on” Ethereum?

Ethereum update: Noob Warning: what part of the code of dApps is built “on” Ethereum?

So, I am trying to understand the difference between a piece of software being built on a central server and a dApp being built on Ethereum’s EVM.

Is it true to say that with dApps, the entrie code base “sits” on the EVM? What makes a dApp censorship resistant?

I ask this because I thought the EVM does not provide any kind of storage.

I guess I am way over my head here.

If anyone cares to share some info, that would be great!


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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: ebwvibfhwbovchwdshjd

Score: 112

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