
Ethereum : Outgoing token tx in my Ether address without my cooperation.

Ethereum update: Outgoing token tx in my Ether address without my cooperation.

How is it possible that some spam token made an outgoing token tx from my address? The strange thing is that there wasn’t even a corresponding incoming tx preceding it.

The token is called ‘✌🏼(◕‿-)✌’ and was sent to the KyberTokenContract (probably the DEX from Kyber Network).

Looking at the tx from my address it stated that there were several similar txs made in this 1 tx. The originator of the tx isn’t my address.

Was this token generated/’mined’ on my address and coded to be sent to another address? Can someone explain how you can make a tx from someone else’s address?

Thank you!

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Vol_Har

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