
Ethereum : Swarm encryption usage question

Ethereum update: Swarm encryption usage question

Just getting acclimated with swarm usage, and have a question regarding encryption.

In the example

`$ swarm –bzzaccount 2f1cd699b0bf461dcfbf0098ad8f5587b038f0f1 access new pk –grant-key 02e6f8d5e28faaa899744972bb847b6eb805a160494690c9ee7197ae9f619181db <REF>`I know that bzzaccount is my ethereum address returned by geth account list, but what is the long public key after grant-key and how do I access/generate it? Can’t find that anywhere in the docs.


edit – I found that the key in grant-key in this case would be my public key in 66 character secp256 compressed form. My question is then, specifially, how do I derive that key from my private key, in bash terminal?

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: rip1999

Score: 28

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