Ethereum update: Transfering Files To New SSD
Hi Everyone –
I have a rig and I am running out of space on my SSD. Originally I installed a new SSD with the thought process that this new drive would give me more space. But windows does not use the available space on the new SSD.
For example – I tried downloading a new program or icncreasing VRAM but the computer tells me there is not enough available space.
If I take a look in disk management it shows a partition that has 99 GB of free space but it seems the computer does not want to use it. So now I am trying to remove the partition, clean the bigger drive, and use a cloning software to move all the files to the new bigger SSD.
But when I go to disk management it does not give me an option to delete – all the options to do anything are greyed out actually. Can someone help me out here?
About Ethereum
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.
Author: mceaton125
Score: 0
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