
Ethereum : [Unsolved repost] ENS 101: How do I see all “domains.eth” that I registered?

Ethereum update: [Unsolved repost] ENS 101: How do I see all “domains.eth” that I registered?

[Original post](

I want to see all names I registered, *how*? I have the ensbids.json backup file, but it included domains that I don’t own, and I’m fairly certain it didn’t include ones I do own. I don’t want to look up specific names.

[ENSListing management GUI is close]( to what I’m looking for so far, but I’ve tried this option. [Many of the names appear masked]( and to unmask them you have to search for them. I don’t remember all the names I registered.

In addition, [this option shows names]( that [I’ve already released](

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: garrisonxci

Score: 26

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