
Ethereum : Where do you get your statistics?

Ethereum update: Where do you get your statistics?

I’ve received some great help and suggestions from this sub about an operation I’ve inherited and I’m hoping you wizards can open my eyes one more time. I’m scheduling a time in the next couple weeks to get access to the physical mining rig (it’s in one of the partner’s homes), where I’m going to be reformatting all systems with a single OS (three are currently in use). I’ve been leaning towards Hive OS but I haven’t been able to get any data for trending out of it.


What I’m hoping for (at a bare minimum) is the hash rate and power consumption for each card. I’d also like to get temps and accepted hashes if possible. I figure I can’t be the first person to want actual data to inform my clients – I’m not sure how profitable the op is and I want to be as honest and transparent with them as possible. The previous manager, who convinced them to set up the operation, told them they’d be profitable in three months. Yeaaaah, no. Not sure where HE got his data, but I want mine to be more realistic.


So, where can I get some numbers to crunch? I like the “stats” page in HiveOS but it doesn’t give you access to the underlying data. Thanks in advance!

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Crlomancer

Score: 1

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