
Ethereum : Where is the resistance to changes that affect miners? Why is everyone just capitulating without a fight?

Ethereum update: Where is the resistance to changes that affect miners? Why is everyone just capitulating without a fight?

I don’t get it. I seriously don’t. Why is everyone just rolling over regarding the drop from 3 ETH to 2 ETH? Why is everyone accepting PoS as inevitable, or even the ice age?

Remember when “authorities” tried and raise the block size on bitcoin? Remember UASF? The people revolted, gave the authority the finger, and the biggest names in crypto, the ones trying to drive the future of the project towards their interests found out they didn’t have the control over a decentralized system.

And here everyone is, treating the whims of Vitalik as the word of god? Why? Everyone’s just blindly following their “roadmap.” Why? I didn’t have any input in their roadmap.

How about fuck their roadmap instead? How about everyday miners built ETH up to what it is today, and we steer it in a direction that keeps it that way instead of handing it over to large mining farms? How about we pressure pools, who have just as much to lose, not to accept the hard fork that’s “set in stone?”

Is there *really* consensus? Is it even a democracy? Was there a vote to reduce the block size that I wasnt aware of? Was there a vote for the difficulty bomb, or PoS?

Ultimately we’re the ones that run the blockchain, right? Why take orders from them? Isn’t this like the entire point of blockchain, that there needs to be consensus?

I certainly don’t agree with the direction things are heading. So I’m declaring right now, that if this reduction to 2 ETH per block goes through, I’m done mining ETH. As an individual, that’s all I can do until some large stakeholders in ETH mining step up to the fucking plate and stand against the powers that be and organize a resistance.

I’d very very very much prefer it if there was an organized resistance to this change. A change that threatens literally everyone here. It’s not too late. I mean come on, there are million dollar businesses at stake here. Where are you guys? Get together and show the people a better alternative, and they will support you. It is not as hard to block a hard fork as you think. Fuck all these EIPs. Just get the pools together and just say no, we’re not upgrading. We’re just not. Start a campaign to help the everyday miner understand how they’re about to get boned, but there’s still a chance to stop it. This will cost you *far* less than you stand to lose if it goes through. A loosely organized collection of bitcoin users were able to blockade a change that by and large the mining community wanted. They did it *against* the will of the people actually physically running the network. That’s how hard it is to change a blockchain. Imagine how much easier it would be for the miners themselves to stop dead in it’s tracks something so blatantly against their interest.

It’s very difficult to push a decentralized network in a certain direction. It’s very, very easy to stop it from moving in *any* direction. The status quo protects the interest of miners. It’s orders of magnitude easier to stop this change than it is for it to go through. That’s the reality. Maybe you don’t realize how much power you have as a miner. You have a lot. You *can* stop this. It wouldn’t even be hard. So why do you just allow an engineer to dictate the future of your business, your livelihood? Or even your hobby? He doesn’t own Ethereum. He doesn’t own your business. He doesn’t own your rig. He doesn’t own anything. You don’t need to accept it. Stand up and fight, before it’s too late. Who cares how influential they are. We’ve got the high ground here, it should be an uphill battle for them. We own the land, and they’re telling us how its going to work from the outside? Give me a break.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Darius510

Score: 2

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