
Ethereum : Who will win the first ‘El Clásico’ match of 2018-2019? Now open bets on Augur

Ethereum update: Who will win the first ‘El Clásico’ match of 2018-2019? Now open bets on Augur

market ID: [0x24ea75a5ced41540ca853a377ffa01106906ab2e](

Now open market on Augur. Barcelona o Real Madrid? #elclasico

>**Who will win the first ‘El Clásico’ match of 2018-2019**?
>’El Clásico’ is defined as a match between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona held in the Spanish championship ‘La Liga’. The ‘first match’ of 2018-19 season is programmed in Barcelona on 28/10/2018. If there are any changes in the calendar the match valid for this bet is always the first happening regardless of date or venue. The bet ends on 00:00 October 29, 2018.


1. You need to download the Augur app ([](
2. It’ll need to sync with the ethereum blockchain and the Augur api.
3. Once synced, open the app and search the market ID on ‘Markets’.
4. Buy a share with the price = to the probability you think it’s going to happen.
5. Good luck!


Direct link to market: [](

You only need Metamask.

Hat tip to u/augurist

View the link

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: aribolab

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