
Ethereum : Why are the GPU prices so low? Are people dumping GPUs because they’ll be obsolete when the nVidia 11series hit the market?

Ethereum update: Why are the GPU prices so low? Are people dumping GPUs because they’ll be obsolete when the nVidia 11series hit the market?

I’m seeing RX 580s for ~$200-220 on eBay right now. I haven’t seen prices like this since November (2017). Honestly, I’m sort of alarmed. It seems too good to be true. What’s going on? Is it that people are dumping their soon-to-be obsolete cards so they can upgrade to the nVidia 11 series? Or is it just because crypto prices are (relatively) low at the moment?

With that, is now a good time to stock up on a few more RX 580s? Or should I hold off until the nvidia cards come out

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: szech1sauce

Score: 5

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