
Ethereum : Zethr ICO launch in two days!

Ethereum update: Zethr ICO launch in two days!

Zethr will launch in about 2 days! Zethr is a pyramid like Proof of Weak Hands but in here we have a fairer price rise (the price rises as a square root function instead of linear price rise as function of volume). There is an ICO launching in 2 days where everyone can get tokens for the same price.

The focus on Zethr is to actually add games to it. It is possible to choose your own dividend rate from 2% (low risk) to 33% (high risk).

56 ETH is ready to be dumped in after the ICO to spread divs (at 33%).

The ICO has a hard cap of 250 ETH and the maximum gas price you can use at those TXs is 50 GWEI.

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: SketchingStories

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