
Ripple : Days like these with XRP…..

Ripple update: Days like these with XRP…..

Days like these make it difficult to be a holder of XRP. Why? XRP is down over 5% against BTC. Thats about 11% this week. I truly believe in what XRP “potential” is, but, I have been trading for a very long time and the market says I am wrong. The market is never wrong, because price is reality. I know the SEC regulatory uncertainty is holding down XRP. The fact is that as long as Ripple has 55 billion XRP in escrow, it will remain an anchor around the price of XRP. I know this is a fairly negative XRP post, but, for all the XRP positive propaganda from Ripple, the market price is saying: We don’t believe you.

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About Ripple (XRP)

Ripple connects banks, payment providers and digital asset exchanges via RippleNet to provide one frictionless experience to send money globally. Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP to further reduce their costs and access new markets. XRP is the fastest and most scalable digital asset today.

Author: Fastcatt403

Score: 10

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