
Ripple : Smart Dudes | Teeka Tiwari / Gleen Beck | Crypto Conspiracy of 2018 Video

Ripple update: Smart Dudes | Teeka Tiwari / Gleen Beck | Crypto Conspiracy of 2018 Video

Smart Dudes | Teeka Tiwari / Gleen Beck | Crypto Conspiracy of 2018 Video

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About Ripple (XRP)

Ripple connects banks, payment providers and digital asset exchanges via RippleNet to provide one frictionless experience to send money globally. Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP to further reduce their costs and access new markets. XRP is the fastest and most scalable digital asset today.

Author: Yuri_Jai

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Ripple : Daily XRP Discussion Thread 07/19/18

Ethereum : In light of continuing changes to the EIP process to bypass community consensus (to eventually push through EIP-999), a proposal to return some power to the users in the governance process (read “Motivation” section, not just the title!)