
Ripple : What is XRP missing for Mass Adoption?

Ripple update: What is XRP missing for Mass Adoption?

Saw a post in /r/CryptoCurrency asking about what Crypto is missing for mass adoption. Initially my thought is to say XRP is the coin going to win the race to mass adoption, but to what extent is that result going to be feasible? So i thought, how?

IMO in order to achieve wide-spread adoption your going to need to build trust with the people your goal is to revolutionize first. How do you do that? By getting regulated, by having a face of the company (team or CEO) and by having big, recognizable players enter the game. This regulation thing is bigger than I realized, as I discovered from conversation with normies, without approval from SEC touching the word crypto with a 10 ft stick is unsafe. They are not aware that regulators may be behind the times, unaware of new technological advances that could mean revolutionary change. They don’t care how life changing it may be unless they can get behind something they can trust.

Upon receiving regulation for XRP the list of things to come is exciting.
XRP is fast, close to frictionless tx cost, and exciting to use as payments can be received almost instantly.
Ripple has Brad Garlinghouse, friendly face of the company who strives to make all Ripple products reach their potential if not surpass it, and most especially, the XRP ecosystem.
XRP has SBI hard launch occurring in July opening up XRP to millions more of investors.
Ripple has an unimaginable number of banks signed on testing, using, and ADOPTING their products leading down a path in which XRP becomes the backbone of transactions worldwide. Have you looked this number up before? INSANE.

Screw Western Union. They approached the Ripple tests with a flippant attitude aware that Banks and XRP means the end of Remittance Competition a.k.a. them. Especially if they refuse to adapt.
Rather than shoving crypto and the idea of a global fiscal takeover down normal people’s throats, Ripple has been slowly turning the Banking Industry into crypto enthusiasts by aiding them with their understanding of Distributed ledger tech and XRP. By spending the time and effort to ease XCurrent into use, Ripple has already set up the railroads for them to then ease said banks to use XRapid.

What else is needed to give XRP and Ripple that final boost to global transfer domination?

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About Ripple (XRP)

Ripple connects banks, payment providers and digital asset exchanges via RippleNet to provide one frictionless experience to send money globally. Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP to further reduce their costs and access new markets. XRP is the fastest and most scalable digital asset today.

Author: Rxcon

Score: 25

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