
Blockchain : Requesting any help for a novice enthusiast/student of blockchain

Blockchain : Requesting any help for a novice enthusiast/student of blockchain

Hi guys

I am a third year undergraduate student who has been intrigued by bitcoin and subsequently blockchain technology for the past few years. I have done a lot of research and written two fairly basic but interesting articles as well. However I am now prepping to write a dissertation on the potential of a blockchain based currency system replacing the traditional monetary systems i.e the currency/money backed by the government/national bank.

I have started doing some preliminary research but if any of you guys have any insights into the topic and/or can point me to specific resources, I would greatly appreciate that.

Thank you very much!

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What is the Blockchain?

A block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a currency’s block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged to each address at any point in history.

Author: kckamal1997

Score: 1

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