
Ethereum : Any guides to install multiple gpus?: how to properly install divers, where to plug in hdmi, any other settings I will need to change, etc…

Ethereum update: Any guides to install multiple gpus?: how to properly install divers, where to plug in hdmi, any other settings I will need to change, etc…

I am having lots of issues setting up my four amd rx 480s including downloading drivers, and getting an image on my monitor. Two work at a time but my pc will not show an image with any more in use. People say I need to enable integrated graphics but I can not find a guide on that. Also people have said to plug my hdmi into all four gpus to see which one will display video, windows will then say it ran into a problem and restart.

Any guide on how to do this would be extremely helpful.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Shylock47

Score: 4

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